李老师 发表于 2016-8-2 13:51:15


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V
1.( )to work, I met my old friend.
A. By the way
B. On the way
C. Using the way
D. In my way
2.( )less than two weeks, I will have graduated.
A. During
B. In
C. Aabout
D. On
3.He underwent four( )operations in two weeks.
A. excessive
B. extensive
C. intensive
D. successive
4.After( )for the job, you will be required to take a language test
A. being interviewed
B. interviewed
C. interviewing
D. havinginterviewed
5.It’s no use ( )me not to worry.
A. you tell
B. your telling
C. for you to have told
D. having told
6.Love of fair play is said to be a(n)( )part of the English character.
A. interesting
B. boring
C. essential
D. initiative
7.If I had a dictionary at hand, I ( )it to you.
A. will lend
B. would lend
C. would have lent
D. will have lent
8.He was( )of having asked such a silly question.
A. sorry
B. for students’ being
C. ashamed
D. miserable
9.Disappointment in love is something most young people must go ( ).
A. with
B. on
C. through
D. by
10.Iris and Eliza ___( )want to invite their classmates to their birthday party
A. they both
B. their both
C. the both
D. both
11.( )about the bookkeeper’s honesty, the company asked him to resign.
A. There be some questions
B. There were some questions
C. There have been some questions
D. There being some questions
12.If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you __ now.
A. wouldn’t be smiling
B. couldn’t have smiled
C. won’t smile
D. didn’t smile
13.If Mr Smith ___( )here, he would have helped you
A. had been
B. was
C. were
D. has been
14.In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ( )
A. gaps
B. intervals
C. length
D. distance
15.Mobile telecommunications’( )is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.
A. capability
B. potential
C. impact
D. capacity
16.It is highly desirable that a new dean ( )for this department.
A. be appointed
B. appoint
C. will be appointed
D. is appointed
17.( )the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.
A. In case of
B. In spite of
C. Because of
D. But for
18.Is there anything you want from town? I am going to get ( ).
A. to mail those letters
B. these letters mailed
C. mailed letters
D. those letters to mail
19.It’s usually the case that people seldom behave in a( )way when in a furious state.
A. stable
B. rational
C. legal
D. credible
20.His remarks left me( )about his real purpose.
A. wondered
B. wonder
C. to wonder
D. wondering
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